
Ya Doctory

  • Branding
  • Mobile Application
  • Digital
  • 3D
  • TV
  • Post Production
  • Web
  • Presentation
  • Motion
  • UI / UX

Ya Doctory provides trusted in-home Doctors, Physiotherapy professionals, Nursing specialists, and Trained Attendants for your unique medical needs, all at your place of convenience.

Mobile App(s)

Ya Doctory is a mobile app that provides trustworthy at-home physicians, physiotherapists, nurses, and trained professionals for all possible medical needs.

Android / iOS Mobile App

60+ Screens
Complain later
Labs test
Visit history
Visit history details
Selected Labs

Application Manual (Flip the book)

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Every great design begins with an even better story

Just like there are many different types of brands, there are lots of different types of branding out there. Branding isn’t one-size-fits-all; the most effective strategies are highly personalized to the companies, groups and creators using them. That’s because it’s all about personality.

A brand is basically a company’s personality; branding is the steps a company takes to express that personality. But, developing a unique persona does more than make a company feel like a character. We created an impressive and  unique branding to push the brand to a new level and be one of the market leaders in their field and communicates to consumers that it’s the ideal choice for them and their needs.

This is one of the projects that we are most proud of. It was incredibly challenging and spanned a wide range of services, it also lasted for several years. For Ya Doctory, we executed everything from A to Z. This meant the creative concept, the name, the branding, the digital designs, UI/UX, TV copies, and even the presentations.


Corporate Identity (Flip the book)

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Ya Doctory 

Creative Team
Ahmed Sakr
Diaa Abd El Hamead
Yusuf Gabr
Mohamed Shalaby

Mohamed Monem
Mohamed Madian
Ahmed Dahab
Doaa Ahmed

Mostafa Hashem
Medhat Aly
Attia Gamea
Amal Sayed
Marwa Adel
Safaa Amin
Mahmoud Fath El Bab
Mina Nabil
Mohamed Farid
Marwa Mourad 
Mohamed Fathy


Director : Mohamed Adel
Starring: Heidi Karam

TV Production

It was a full - and long-term partnership and we are extremely proud of the results.

The expertise in fashion photography is strongly influenced by our interest in architecture and our technical approach to shape light and composition.

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GAME (Concept)