
The Tub Racers

  • Mobile App
  • Web
  • Games
  • Application
  • Motion

Join the app on TridentME and think of a creative design to enter the competition. Share it with your friends and make your way to the top 10. The designs with the most votes will compete to win in a bathtub race at the Mzaar Summer Fest.

Android / iOS Mobile Game

PLAY / WIN ...

This was the biggest online campaign in 2013; a game called The Tub Racers that ran in Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey at the same time! For this project, we built the game which allowed participants to design their own bathtub vehicles (with rims and steering wheels), to then submit these designs to be voted on through Facebook, with the winners getting prizes from Trident. It was absolutely delightful!

It was absolutely delightful!
